Title: Project Manager & Lead Artist & Outsourcing Manager
Team Size: 20+
Production Time Frame : 12+ Monthly Update
Project Management - As Project Manager I work closely with Designer on Task & Time Management to ensure delivering high-quality monthly content update. I also coordinates with out-sourcing teams on both art and engineering sides to ensure the smoothness of the production pipeline.
Lead Artist - Generate art assets with both 2D and 3D teams for content update. On one hand, my role as Lead Artist is responsible leading the team to create different kinds of appealing assets including Character Skins and Weapons to provide players a wide scope of IAP items. On the other hand, all items have to fit with the initial art style to maintain a decent cohesiveness of the IP/Brand. Work closely with analyst and community manager so that all concepts were designed base on players interest.
My duty also includes leading the marketing art team on producing promotional art assets not only for social channels such as Twitter and Facebook, also but also including events or campaigns.
Oversea Business Development - Coordinates with oversea Ads providers and publishers on oversea publishing.
From Royal to Gold, it has been one of the best classic third person real-time multiplayer shooter games of all time!
30 Million downloads over all! Best Action Game on Mobile Award! Battle Bears Gold is the milestone of mobile shooter games that's not only because of its ground breaking innovation, but also it's unique and appealing character designs!