
                                                                                                                  V1 Home Menu

Game Mechanic : RPG + PVP, aim & throw to attack 

Platform : Mobile

Duty: Project Management, Game Mechanic Desige, Art Direction, UI&UX Design

Clash of Mini was inspired by an indie game from PSVita named When Vikings Attack, which is a very interesting casual game that players control a handful survivors to against Vikings invasion. Players use joy stick to control the movement of the crowd to either pick up any item on the floor then throw to attack their opponents. However the game wasn't popular due to generic character design, limited PVE mission mode and poor PVP feature.   

I heard about this game from a friend at 2015 GDC, and immediately feel interested with its simple game mechanic. So while waiting at the airport for my plan, I started brain storming about the product in terms of content creation, core features and what not. And since it reminds me of a documentary film by BBC called Mini Kingdom, which was about the life of rats, I suddenly linked them together: rats usually tiny and vulnerable as individual, but could be harmful while grouping up, and this type of casual PVP games might be a good fit for the on-growing female consumer base, also rat/mouse could be cute as well, therefore, I was certain that furry little animal could be a good perspective in content creation.


                                                                                              Mouse Character Concept by Artist VIvi Qin


                                                                      Additional try outs with different small animal characters by Artist Vivi Qin

   Personally I would love to follow my initial idea to use cute hamster as the main character. However, the idea hit a technical road block, which on mobile it's nearly impossible to render high quality furry animal. Therefore, we decided to go with something more stylish and humanoid, which turned out to be a cat character:


                                                                                                Mock-up of in-game battle arena