
Title: Producer, Lead Artist & Out Sourcing Project Manger 

Team Size: 4

Production Time Frame : 3 months Pre-Production

Duty: Art Direction, Character Animation, UI&UX Design, Out Sourcing Project Management, and Brand Management 

This was a mid-core 3 on 3 turn based RPG mobile game in portrait mode that it was designed to match with  the interest of casual gamer.

This is also one of my favorite projects that I personally have put in a lot of thoughts and creativity that it could have the potential to push the Battle Bears brand to a whole new level with its mid-core RPG gaming mechanic and more mature/edgier art style, and it also could create a whole new revamp of the Battle Bears universe!

"One sword, two brothers!

One holly artifact that put up a team of five bravest warrior from plant Ursa!

This is the new adventure of Battle Bears!"




        Character Concepts & 3D Models



Environment Concept

Demo Video